The Narrowest Bridge – 桥

Click here for Chinese version



The Half and The Other Half was one before, hence, they were called The One. As The One, they were known each other well, sharing familiarity, likes and dislikes, dreams together, pride and power. It is so overweening pride and power that The One has become, that The Fate has decided to take action in order not to compete with him as the only supremacist.

At one night, instead of killing it, The Fate accomplished the plot by splitting The One by two entities. The consideration for not killing The One is to prolong the misery to The One’s life, which is, ever since each part of the entity is wandering forever on earth to find each other nostalgically until each part found each other.

One day, after several encounters, The Half realizes that The Other Half is the other part. Likewise to The Other Half. The only problem is that each part is standing in the opposite of dangerous and big river. Only the narrowest bridge that can connect them together.


What You Seek Is Seeking You – Jalalludin Rumi


The Narrowest Bridge is an allusion of Aristophanes’ Speech from Plato’s Symposium. There are many interpretation can be drawn from Aristophanes’ Speech. To Bambang as the writer, the strongest message from Aristophanes’ Speech is about the terminology of soul mates that often become interesting topic when people talks about love and friendship.

Bambang also wants to explore more about a familiar notion, that long before one become connected with another one, there was curious sense that they feel like to know each other already. It seems that they have met before sometimes and somewhere, in a previous life or even in dreams. like a Déjà vu (from French, literally meaning is “already seen”).

The work will be presented as interdisciplinary art in the form of performance art, consisting of media art, theater, installation, dance, movement art within 40 minutes running time.

The Narrowest Bridge is an art initiative program that planned to be held in Shenzhen China as an art residency program. Two Australian artists and One Chinese artist is the core member of creative development. The programs will also featuring local Chinese artists through collaboration.


故事背景 Narrative

作为结合同存的个体,在被命运之神分成两半之前,他们有着太多的相同之处 —— 相同的喜好与厌恶之事物,相同的自豪感和力量,甚至发着相同的梦境。但他们结合起来的能量大得足以挑战命运之神的绝对权威。



导语 Tagline

“What You Seek Is Seeking You.” – Jalalludin Rumi

“你在找寻的东西也在寻找你。”– Jalalludin Rumi

作品背景  Description

“桥” 受启于古希腊剧作家阿里斯托芬在柏拉图《会饮篇》里的经典表述,他提到“心上人是我们失去很久的另一半,我们曾与其紧密相连”。对阿里斯托芬的陈述后人有 过许多种不同的阐释;而对于Bambang ——“桥”的创作者来说,阿里斯托芬的陈述是对人们常讨论的爱情和友谊中“灵魂伴侣”的一种释义。


表演形式  Presentation


艺术驻留计划及其相关合作 Art Residency and Collaboration

“桥”(The Narrowest Bridge)作为艺术驻留计划将根植于中国深圳,核心创意团队由两位澳大利亚艺术家和一位中国艺术家组成;同时此项目也会邀请当地的中国艺术家参与相关项目的合作。


Team 团队

Rongying Huang  黄荣滢

Sound Artist, Performer
Rongying Huang, or known as Benjamin in Australia is an international student from China. He is currently studying Media Art & Production in UTS Sydney. Rongying seeks to develop his professional skills and knowledge in the creative art industry. He is fascinated to explore the interaction of various art forms through the expression of media technologies. He has been excitingly taking on a journey of mentorship with his mentor, Bambang N Karim, by practicing of creative art projects “Waterfalls Plunge Into The Abyss” and “The Epic Fall of Icarus”. Rongying is the sound artist and performer in “The Narrowest Bridge”